Turnbull's Dream - Part 3

Turnbull's Dream - Part 3

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

The new energised Prime Minister put an edict out to his ministers. A shocking new edict. "In future, any decisions before they are made must pass the common sense test. Hawk used to call this "The Pub Test".

A now energised party room were bubbling with ideas that passed this new test - The Common Sense Test.

A new MP put his hand up to restart the plebiscite on marriage equality. "Wouldn't it be common sense when we are paying $160 million to get everyone's opinion on this issue, that we also canvass them on other vital issues?"

All members clapped their hands in glee. What a great opportunity to practice democracy!!

So it was resolved that six issues would be put to the citizens. The first of course was on gay marriage. The second was end the great impasse to government - the senate. Issue two to be resolved was to make the senate a house of review only. Issues could be debated and sent back for further review but then on representing to the senate, it must be passed.

Thus wise counsel would prevail. A second set of wise eyes reviewing legislation but the will of the people, the vast majority, cannot be overturned.


"What other four items can we have decisions on?" Became the catch cry. The new energised Prime Minister, now approaching 80% approval sent forth his members to their electorates to come up with these important decisions Thus, the will of the people and democracy was being exercised.

Turnbull's Finance Minister Mathias Corman came in with the breathless news "Prime Minister, a survey has just been released that Superannuation is hated by the citizens and worse they realise from the intergenerational report, that in 2050 it will still only support them for five years in retirement. It's a failure" wailed the Finance Minster. "what should we do oh Prime Minister?"

By now our great leader was back on 75% popularity The citizens wanted more! "Worse" wailed Mathias "all of this money going on top of wages is inflationary, living standards are being eroded!"

"This is a simple problem Mathias, calm down." Counselled our wise Prime Minister, "Simply allow the citizens to not direct their money into the disappearing pool of the finance industry but it can be used as they wish provided it is quarantined until their retirement."

Mathias responded, "Oh Mr Prime Minister, you are so wise and this satisfies the what passes the common sense test." He added "now they can use it to pay down their mortgage, investment properties and investment loans on shares. This means less borrowing from the banks. This, in turn, means the banks have fewer borrowings from overseas and are less dependent on overseas funding shocks."

Our Prime Minister now approaching 80% "precisely Mathias, we are now a great country standing on our own two feet. Our great citizens are reaping the benefits of their labours and not seeing it dissipated!"

To Be Continued….

Written by Kevin Young

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

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